1. Commercial or Residential Application
2. Vandalism Concerns
3. Municipal Park or Commercial Theme Park
Let’s try to address each item briefly: Splash pad equipment is a lot more expensive than dry playground equipment. There are several reasons for this for example material used is a lot more expensive. Structures carry water; therefore their design has to be hydraulically sound, this complicates manufacturing and design process significantly; resulting in increased cost.
Commercial or Residential Application
If you are considering building a commercial splash pad you should keep away from splash pad equipment manufactured for residential applications. Splash pad equipment manufactured for residential applications is usually made up of lower grade materials, for example plastics nozzles and nozzles housings. A commercial splash pad equipment should use durable materials for example stainless steel.
Vandalism Concerns
If your splash pad is going to be installed in an open municipal park environments and has unrestricted access, you should keep away from splash pad equipment manufactured from materials like fiberglass, PVC or their use should be very limited, since this equipment can be vandalized anytime of the day. If vandalism is a concern then you should look for splash pad equipment manufactured from materials that are very durable for example stainless steel.
Municipal Park or Commercial Theme Park
Commercial theme parks can be ideal place for using fiberglass based splash pads, with fiberglass one can create free form structures a lot easier than metals and since vandalism is not a problem in these environments use of fiberglass will not create any trouble for owners.
If you have any questions contact the author.
Posted by
Salih Sokmen, P.Eng.
Nirbo Aquatic Inc.